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Sculptra for Butt Augmentation
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- Sculptra for Butt Augmentation
Add Volume Without Surgery in Dallas
Patients who want a curvier silhouette with a more prominent backside have a nonsurgical option in butt augmentation with Sculptra® from the Dallas area’s Dr. Ellen Turner. The volume-adding treatment requires no incisions or sutures, making it ideal for anyone who wants to gain some size in that specific area, but who also wants to avoid the risks and recovery related to surgery.
As a dermatologist, Dr. Turner has used Sculptra® for years, since the injectable is ideal for smoothing out facial lines and reducing the appearance of crepey skin on the knees. The filler is versatile enough to handle small cosmetic corrections to the face as well as larger additions of volume, making it a brand of choice for butt augmentation.
Cosmetic Dermatology
Contact us online about setting up an appointment or call (214) 373-7546. Find out more about Sculptra® in the Dallas area today.
Am I a Good Candidate for Butt Augmentation?
Patients who want to increase the size and shape of their buttocks, or who want a butt lift to address some sagging due to volume loss, are ideal candidates for Sculptra®. Dr. Turner works with her team to determine whether patients are suited for the treatment, based on the current size and shape of their buttocks, their degree of skin laxity, as well as their ultimate aesthetic goals.
Sagging is often the result of weight loss, whether due to diet and exercise, gastric bypass or similar surgery, or a change in size after giving birth. A drop in weight—especially a rapid one—can be difficult for stretched-out skin, which may not be able to “snap back” and conform to the contours that result from less volume in a specific area.
On the buttocks, this can create a sagging, “deflated” look. Patients who want to address this condition are encouraged to come in for a consultation. They should also understand that it is important to be at a relatively stable weight before deciding on Sculptra® for butt augmentation, since gaining or losing a significant number of pounds can trigger new changes, which can alter the cosmetic results of a treatment.
Butt augmentation with Sculptra® is also a treatment of choice for patients who are generally thin to begin with, or who have watched their rounded contours flatten due to yoga, exercise, and other physical activity. In some cases, women in particular feel that a loss of roundness makes their backside appear more masculine, and they want to add volume to regain feminine curviness.
While there are numerous options available for butt augmentation, Sculptra® is particularly appealing to people who want new contours, but who are not keen to choose surgery, whether due to the risks involved, the recovery necessary after a procedure, the cost, the possibility of the body rejecting implants, or some combination of these factors. As an injectable opposed to surgery, Sculptra® represents a safer, faster, and less expensive solution, which also involves considerably less down time. The results, too, while long lasting, are technically temporary, which means butt augmentation with Sculptra® is not a lifelong commitment.
Disclaimer: Viewer discretion advised. Results may vary.
How Does Sculptra® Work?
Unlike some dermal fillers that have a single function, Sculptra® accomplishes butt augmentation two ways:
Physically adding volume is a major component of the augmentation treatment. Think of it like blowing up a balloon. By introducing more air, the skin of the balloon expands and grows rounder. The buttocks are essentially the same: By introducing Sculptra®, which is a watery liquid, the buttocks grow rounder. In cases where natural volume loss has led to a deflated look for the buttocks, the restored volume can make the skin more taut and firm.
Disclaimer: Viewer discretion advised. Results may vary.

Dr. Ellen Turner uses a cannula to administer Sculptra® for butt augmentation at her Dallas practice. Approaching the area from different directions allows the injector to create a shapely, natural, rounded look. The poly-L-lactic acid-based filler adds volume and encourages new collagen to grow.®
The active ingredient in Sculptra® is poly-L-lactic acid, which is polymerized to give the resulting gel its beneficial properties. In addition to providing volume of its own, the formula stimulates the growth of fresh collagen, a protein that adds further volume and provides structure.
Collagen is important for many reasons. Not only does it add “bulk” where needed, but it also serves as a framework that houses hyaluronic acid molecules, which are carbohydrates known for their ability to bind with water molecules. More hyaluronic acid means skin that is well hydrated and pliant, creating a softer look and feel. Since hyaluronic acid and collagen levels in the skin drop over time due to the effects of an aging body, replenishing these molecules–or at least giving them a boost in a key area–can go a long way to making a positive visual difference.
Sculptra® manufacturer Galderma reported that people tend to lose about 1 percent of their collagen per year after they turn 18. That means the valuable molecule is already starting to dwindle as soon as you reach the age of adulthood.
When Will I See the Results of Sculptra® Butt Augmentation?
New volume is generally visible right after its injection, but a patient’s ideal butt augmentation results are typically not achieved until five, 10, or even 15 vials of Sculptra® have been injected—a process that plays out over a span of months. Throughout this time, new collagen also increases in the skin, further enhancing the results. Patients can expect results from Sculptra® injections to last for years, then to eventually diminish on their own.
Anyone who wants to know the best way to maintain the rounded results of a Sculptra® butt augmentation can talk to Dr. Turner to learn about what to expect in the years to come and when a new round of treatments may be appropriate. With proper planning, many patients can enjoy an enhanced backside for as long as they would like it to stay round and firmer.
How Much Does Sculptra® Cost?
Since each butt augmentation patient is different, the cost of a treatment is best discussed during a consultation, when Dr. Turner can assess the unique aspects of the case and determine the projected number of injections to be used. Ask about a Sculptra® consultation by reaching out online or calling (214) 373-7546.
Are There Options Besides Sculptra® for Contouring?
Men and women who prefer less volume to more can reduce fat in specific areas–including the buttocks–with CoolSculpting®, which cools and damages unwanted fat cells. Whether you want to go larger or smaller, there is an option for you.
Sagging elsewhere on the body may be addressed any number of ways. Ultherapy® uses ultrasound energy to tighten skin on the forehead, chin, and neck. Silhouette InstaLift™ employs special threads inserted into the midface to address sagging there. Voluma®, a dermal filler like Sculptra®, but in the Juvéderm® family, adds hyaluronic acid-based volume to fill in hollows in the cheeks for rounder contours there and a subtle lift lower down, where jowls have a tendency to form as tissue is gradually pulled downward by gravity.
Dr. Turner will help each person who comes to her Dallas-based dermatology office determine their best options for getting the look they want.